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On 04/16/2012 06:37 PM, Vox Timothy wrote:
- New Keywords: And, Or, Not ("Existential and," "Existential or," and
"Existential not"; like and, or, not but whose only false value is nil
(instead of nil and false))

local function _and(n, foo, ...)
  if n < 2 then return foo end
  if foo == nil then return nil end
  return _and(n-1, ...)
function And(...)
  return _and(select('#', ...), ...)

If I understand what you're asking for correctly.

- New Keyword: funct (like function, but with automatic return; would
require an explicit nil if void)

- if, while, etc. could also automatically return (be expressions
instead of statements; in case of loop, last iteration)

Explicit is better than implicit. Is it that painful to type 'return' every once in a while?

And these two functions are not the same:

f1 = function() return nil end
f2 = function() return end

select('#', f1()) == 1
select('#', f2()) == 0

A funct would not be able to express f2.

- tom