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>>> local module_list = {
>>>   require ("m"),
>>>   require ("n"),
>>>   require ("q"),
>>> }
>>> print (#module_list) -- The printed value will be "4"
>> Nope. Only the first return value would be kept in a table constructor.
> ... except for the last value: if require 'q' returns multiple values,
> they'll all be put into the table.
> The real problem with returning multiple values from a module is that
> "require" only returns one value, regardless of what the module does...
The last sentence made me wonder whether the "if" clause in the previous
sentence could ever be true.  And of course it can, "require" is merely
a predefined name.  Nothing stops you from writing this:

    function require(x) return x,x+1,x+2 end
    print(#s) --> 3

(However, if you do that sort of thing, please don't ask me to help you
debug your code, ever.)