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I'm trying to create userdata in library (struct Image) and collect it
using __gc metamethod:

C code:

  Image * newImage() {
    ptr = malloc(...);
    return ptr;
  void deleteImage(Image * ptr) {
    //do something

Lua code:

  ffi.metatype('Image', {
	__index = {
		draw = lib.imageDraw
	__gc = lib.deleteImage

Using image:

  local ptr ='Image')
  ptr:draw() --works
  ptr = nil --works perfectly, lib.deleteImage works
  local ptr = lib.newImage()
  ptr:draw() --works as previous
  ptr = nil --here is no __gc call!
  collectgarbage() --still nothing

I use libraries, that generate many dynamic structures, is there a way
to connect library's finalizers with gc?
