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On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 12:31 AM, Miles Bader <> wrote:
> William Ahern <> writes:
>>> The ideal scenario I had in mind was the ability to have a modified
>>> LuaVM that bundles LuaLanes behind the scenes, making it invisible
>>> to the developers. Legacy code would not need any modification
>>> (calls to coroutines stay unmodified): the VM transparently wraps
>>> those calls and redirect them to the appropriate LuaLanes calls. Is
>>> this reasonable ? Does this "LuaLanesVM" exists already ?
>> I wonder if time would be better spent hacking the Lua GC to allow
>> moving objects between different states.
> Yeah, some sort of "multi-thread-aware GC", which either allows
> objects to be moved between threads (not so simple of course,
> e.g. with deep-vs-shallow, strings, etc), or even better allows one to
> just _share_ objects directly between threads, does seem the holy
> grail.
> Hmm, surely the interaction of GC and multi-threading must have
> received a lot of research attention by now...

Considering the fact that it took Sun 7 years from the first working
implementation of G1 to the production release with Java 7 it may be
more worthwhile to work at jlua. :-)

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end