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BTW, a few  things I noticed doing this:

(1) I'm not really gaining all that much from LuaJIT; Lua 5.2 is
    almost as fast as LuaJIT for this usage, and while Lua 5.1.4 is a
    little slower than that, it's still quite respectable (certainly
    fast enough to be perfectly usable).

    This makes me happy because while I like and use LuaJIT, I don't
    really want to become "LuaJIT dependent."

(2) These large memory tests show the downside of LuaJIT's use of
    NaN-encoding for pointers on 64-bit systems:  When I tried
    _increasing_ the GC "pause" (hoping reduce GC overhead at the
    expense of memory usage), LuaJIT died saying "memory exhausted" or
    something, whereas Lua just kept on chugging.

    [Given that I can mostly workaround my memory issues by doing
    explicit calls to "collectgarbage", I'm wondering if Lua 5.2 might
    actually be a better default for me than LuaJIT... it's better to
    use a little more memory than die...]

(3) Lua 5.2.1-work1 does seem to be a litttttle faster in this test
    than 5.2.0; the difference is probably too small be meaningful,
    but it's persistent....



A zen-buddhist walked into a pizza shop and
said, "Make me one with everything."