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In 5.1, one could do the following out-of-the-box, courtesy of module:

(1) define a self-contained, self-registered  module with a one-liner

(2) define multiple modules per source file

(3) package multiple lua source files into one file, courtesy of cat, without further ado

(4) package multiple lua source files into one compiled file, courtesy of luac -o, without further ado

Not so much with 5.2 as:

(a) module is deprecated
(b) even though module is still defined and enabled by default, its implementation is not backward compatible in terms of (2), (3) and (4) which renders it rather pointless and dangerous

So what to do to get the same level of functionality in 5.2?

To allow for feature parity with 5.1, it looks like in 5.2 a module might need to be defined as follow:

do -- (I) module block
  local package = require( 'package' )
  local _ENV = {} -- (II) self-contained environment

  -- module implementation

  package.loaded[ 'module' ] = _ENV -- (III) self-registration

(I) The block provides support for multiple module per file (2), and concatenation of source files (3)
(II) _ENV provides a self-contained environment 
(III) package.loaded provides self-registration

So instead of a one-liner as in 5.1, in 5.2 one now needs all of the above boilerplate (block, _ENV, package.loaded) to get functional parity. 

But life goes on, so here is a small reimplementation of module for 5.2:


  local select = select  
  local package = require( 'package' )
  local _ENV = {}
  local function module( aName, ... )
    local aModule = package.loaded[ aName ]
    if aModule == nil then
      aModule = {}
      aModule._M = aModule
      aModule._NAME = aName
      aModule._PACKAGE = aName:sub( 1, aName:len() - ( aName:reverse():find( '.', 1, true ) or 0 ) )
      package.loaded[ aName ] = aModule
      for anIndex = 1, select( '#', ... ) do
        select( anIndex, ... )( aModule )
    return aModule
  package.loaded.module = module


And some usage examples:

$ cat TestA.lua

  local print = print
  local module = require( 'module' )
  local _ENV = module( 'TestA' )
  print( 'TestA', _NAME, _ENV )

$ cat TestB.lua

  local print = print
  local module = require( 'module' )
  local _ENV = module( 'TestB' )
  print( 'TestB', _NAME, _ENV )

$ cat TestC.lua

  local print = print
  local module = require( 'module' )
  local TestA = require( 'TestA' )
  local TestB = require( 'TestB' )
  local _ENV = module( 'TestC' )
  print( TestA, TestB )
  print( 'TestC', _ENV )

Run from individual source:

$ lua TestC.lua
TestA	TestA	table: 0x100106150
TestB	TestB	table: 0x100106b00
table: 0x100106150	table: 0x100106b00
TestC	table: 0x100107020

Packaged as one lua file:

$ cat module.lua TestA.lua TestB.lua TestC.lua > TestAll.lua

$ lua TestAll.lua
TestA	TestA	table: 0x100104f70
TestB	TestB	table: 0x100100c50
table: 0x100104f70	table: 0x100100c50
TestC	table: 0x100100d90

Packaged as one luac file:

$ luac -o TestC.luac module.lua TestA.lua TestB.lua TestC.lua

$ lua TestC.luacTestA	
TestA	table: 0x100105b80
TestB	TestB	table: 0x100100b80
table: 0x100105b80	table: 0x100100b80
TestC	table: 0x100105ca0

While the above "works" in terms of (1), (2), (3) and (4), it doesn't strike me as a change for the better as now everyone and their dog will need to re-invent some, part, or variation of the module features, with all the additional chrome, boilerplate and incompatibilities that ensue. Looks like a big step backward altogether.

Anyway, how do people implement their modules in 5.2? With the same level of functionality as in 5.1? 

Feedbacks and suggestions welcome.