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On Wednesday 28, cynthia powers wrote:
> I am trying to build llvm-lua. I downloaded llvm_lua-1.3.1 1 and
> clang+llvm-2.8-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2  .
> The directions in README.llvm-lua don't match. How do I build and install
> llvm-lua.?

Try the latest svn source.  I have just added a LLVM_PATH option to make it 
easier to set the path for llvm & clang.  Also there are some bugs fixed since 
the last release.

With the latest code just do:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DLLVM_PATH=<path to clang+llvm 2.8> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Robert G. Jakabosky