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On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 21:17, Minh Ngo <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't quite understand what some of the modes do for as explained
> in 5.1 manual. Specifically, I'm not sure what "r+", "w+", and "a+" modes
> do.
> For "r+" and "w+", I'm not sure what the word update entails. "a+" mode
> sounds exactly the same as "a" mode to me,
> So from what I understand so far:
> "r"   --> read only, no writing allowed
> "w"  --> overwrite file
> "a"  --> write at the end of the file
> the rest --> ?

r+ is read/write without overwriting.
I think with a, you can't seek in the file, only write (append) to it,
whereas with a+ you can (but by default the write position is at the

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