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> Doing an experiment on chaining metatables I came up with this test code:
> the pattern is:
>   Obj1 = { test = function() print("ok") end }
>   Obj2 = {}
>   setmetatable(Obj2, { __index = Obj1 })
>   Obj3 = {}
>   setmetatable(Obj3, { __index = Obj2 })
>   Obj3.test()
> etc...
> Interestingly, both lua and luajit halt when the number of
> "indirections" is > 99, and I was wondering why.

Try this pattern:

   Obj1 = { test = function() print("ok") end }
   Obj2 = {}
   setmetatable(Obj2, { __index = Obj1 })
   setmetatable(Obj1, { __index = Obj2 })

-- Roberto