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I tried using to_char() but got the same assertion failed error.
Here is my minimal dump: lua.dmp -

Some good news: I tried to select a simple numeric column and it worked! ("SELECT NUORDR FROM ZAU1"). Then I tried a DATE column too, and it worked again. It seems that I have problem with CHAR columns, unfortunately I have many of them.

Thanks again.

2012/3/9 Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev <>
Maybe Ignacio is right. SQL_WCHAR is not handled by the lua wrapper, and it's possible that SOCDOS is WCHAR.

Can you change your SQL (assuming Oracle SQL):


According to this TO_CHAR should be available:

Aat least to get it pass through the assert. Later you might have to convert it to a blob or binary and handle it some other way.

(Just guessing. I've only had experience with SQLite & MySQL, and through C#/C++ (not lua))

On 3/8/2012 1:45 PM, Szabó, Ferenc wrote:
@ Ignacio Burgueño:
SOCDOS is a simple char(3).

@ Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev:
I would do that. How could I print/log the actual code? I do not know C.
Shall I need a C compiler?

Actually the driver is 32 bit driver of DataDirect Connect for ODBC for
Oracle 8.1.6 (this version is not supported by Oracle for Windows 7) and
I have no support for the DataDirect driver yet as the support period is
already over. :(  (Pure me.)
So everything is identical except the OS that changed to 64 bit. I can
use the ODBC with other programs (eg. MS Office) without problem.