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I was going over pil's chapter 28. After creating the array library
described in
28.1 I moved ahead and set a metatable for all the new userdatums of type array
so we avoid processing things that are not arrays.

The first thing to do is create the metatable within luaopen_array so the
metatable exists.

When adding that function call:

luaL_newmetatable(L, "LuaBook.array"); // in luaopen_array()

I get an error from malloc because it is trying to free memory that has
not been allocated:

lua(73040) malloc: *** error for object 0x10e922380: pointer being
freed was not allocated

I tried to dynamically allocate the second parameter of
luaL_newmetatable but the
problem persists.

I am using lua 5.1.4 under osx.

Any help would be appreciated,