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Hi Everyone

I've got a problem here with the standard math functions:

Given a starting position, an angle and a distance, I'm trying to calculate the new position. But sometimes I get strange results. Ecamples:

angle = 180
originx = 100
originy = 100
distance = 100

x = (originx + (math.cos(math.rad(angle)) * distance))
y = (originy + (math.sin(math.rad(angle)) * distance))
print("x: ".. x ..", y: ".. y)

-> x: 0, y: 100

This works perfectly fine.

angle = 270
originx = 0
originy = 100
distance = 100

x = (originx + (math.cos(math.rad(angle)) * distance))
y = (originy + (math.sin(math.rad(angle)) * distance))
print("x: ".. x ..", y: ".. y)

-> x: -1.836970198721e-014, y: 0

I was expecting that x should be 0 too.

am I missing something here?

Kind regards,
