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On 2012-02-09 10:35, Petite Abeille wrote:

Then simply concatenate your strings:

  "Case: (Flow_Entry=Nil and direction=SERVER_TO_CLIENT): " ..
  "Wrong packet received. Flow_entry not there for flow and " ..
  "packet received from " ..

Or use format:

  ( '%s%s%s%s' ):format
    "Case: (Flow_Entry=Nil and direction=SERVER_TO_CLIENT): ",
    "Wrong packet received. Flow_entry not there for flow and ",
    "packet received from ",

Yet another alternative style:

  "Case: (Flow_Entry=Nil and direction=SERVER_TO_CLIENT): ",
  "Wrong packet received. Flow_entry not there for flow and ",
  "packet received from ",

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis