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2011/12/1 Tim Caswell <>:
> I've been holding off announcing my project on this list for some time
> since it's not 1.0 yet, but now I realise that won't happen any time
> soon.
> I'm proud to announce my latest hack, Luvit
> <>.  As described in the subject, this
> is basically luajit2 + libuv (the event loop library behind nodejs).
> It compiles as a single executable just like nodejs and can run .lua
> files.  What makes it different from the stock luajit distribution is
> it has several built-in modules added and some slightly different
> semantics.
> If you're familiar with nodejs, it's quite similar.  If not, the basic
> idea is you have a single threaded event loop that never blocks on I/O
> wait.  This enables you to write high-performance network programs
> using a simple callback based programming style.  Since lua, the
> language has native co-routines, you can also use those instead of
> callbacks if that's your preference.  Luvit supports both.
> I changed some lua semantics slightly to make modules make sense.  For
> example, require search paths work like in node.  This means that you
> can do relative requires to the file that's doing the requiring.
> There is no user-modifiable search path, and normal requires search
> for bundled modules starting at the caller and going up the filesystem
> tree. (./modules, ../modules, ../../modules, etc)  All modules (binary
> included) must return a table that is their value.  Modules are not to
> pollute the global environment by putting stuff there.  Also the lua
> io module is disabled since it is not compatible with the non-blocking
> architecture.
> Enough of the incompatibilities, now for the abilities!
> - HTTP server and client
> - TCP server and client
> - All sorts of filesystem operations
> - Some UDP support
> - PIPE streams
> - TTY streams
> - Timers and intervale
> - Robust and portable module system that encourages sane dependencies
> To write a simple http hello-world server, you simply have to write
> the following lua script:
>    local HTTP = require("http")
>    local Utils = require("utils")
>    HTTP.create_server("", 8080, function (req, res)
>      local body = Utils.dump({req=req,headers=req.headers}) .. "\n"
>      res:write_head(200, {
>        ["Content-Type"] = "text/plain",
>        ["Content-Length"] = #body
>      })
>      res:finish(body)
>    end)
>    print("Server listening at http://localhost:8080/";)
> This is the response given when hitting with curl:
> <>
> Notice that we're not running as a CGI script to apache or anything
> like that.  The lua script *is* the http server.  You get your
> callback called every time an http request is made to the server.  See
> more examples in the github repo
> <>
> I won't waste everyone's time describing the type of system I'm trying
> to build.  It's explained well in this recent blog post about node
> Luvit has a nice colorized repo that is imho much easier to use than
> the stock one in lua.  Return values are automatically shown
> (including nil values).  The p() function is like print, but pretty
> prints data as seen in this debug dump of an http server.
> <>
> Luvit is complete enough for many classes of applications.  It's not
> as finished as I'd like and since it's just a hobby I haven't had much
> time to work on it in the last month.  I encourage people to play with
> it and see if they like it.  If there is interest then I can make time
> to continue working on it.
> -Tim Caswell

Hi Tim,

My question is, does luvit can build on Windows? On Windows libuv use
a complete different way to implement callback (use iocp on Windows
other than epoll on Linux), so libuv will have no libev on Windows, I
just get this link error:

build/lenv.o:lenv.c:(.text+0x221): undefined reference to `setenv'
build/lenv.o:lenv.c:(.text+0x270): undefined reference to `unsetenv'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x4): undefined reference to `ev_default_loop_ptr'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `ev_run'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x4b): undefined reference to `ev_break'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x5f): undefined reference to `ev_default_loop'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x67): undefined reference to `ev_loop_destroy'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x7b): undefined reference to `ev_default_loop'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x83): undefined reference to `ev_loop_fork'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0x96): undefined reference to `ev_iteration'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0xa9): undefined reference to `ev_depth'
build/luv.o:luv.c:(.text+0xbc): undefined reference to `ev_verify'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [build/luvit] Error 1

the first two means MinGW on Windows missing setenv/unsetenv function,
and others are ev functions.

Does luvit planed to support Windows?