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> All feedback welcome. Thanks.

This is of minor importance, but still is worth reporting.
When compiling Lua 5.2.0 using Green Hills compiler for MIPS (version
4.0.1), there are three warnings:

"..\src\lua\loslib.c", line 278: warning #940-D: missing return statement at
          end of non-void function "os_exit"

"..\src\lua\lvm.c", line 744: warning #111-D: statement is unreachable

"..\src\lua\lvm.c", line 783: warning #111-D: statement is unreachable

The first warning is probably unavoidable, because if a "return 0" is
added at the end of the function, GCC will probably complain...
The other two ones are due to the way vmcase macro is written. A
"break" follows the block, even when a "goto" or "return" always ends
the control block.