Hi guys!
I just created a neat little object system for Lua (5.1) that does
pretty much exactly what I want.
You use it like this:
newThing = object(function() -- could add arguments here too
var1 = 1
local var2 = 'test'
function method1()
var1 = var1+1
local function method2()
return string.sub(var2, 2) -- can use globals as normal
thing = newThing()
thing.var1 = 5
thing.method1() -- yeah, just dot, no colon
The point is: You just put all fields and methods inside one big
definition function. What you declare 'local' will be private;
everything else will become part of the object.
The great advantage: No need to ever write 'self.'. (I'm coming from
the Java world and I just hate having to insert 'self' all the time
(or at all).)
Also, all non-local variables are both readable and writeable from
Usually I write a module 'plain' first (everything top-level) and
decide to make it an object later. With this system, I can do that
without changing one bit in the code.
There is one little caveat: The definition function must not be
recursive (making more objects of its own kind); that would probably
break the setfenv trickery. Making more objects within methods is fine.
Here's how it is implemented. Attention, it's short - 14 lines with
comments and whitespace :)
-- make an object from a definition function.
-- all variables and functions declared in the definition function
without 'local'
-- are automatically part of the new object.
function makeObject(definition, ...)
-- make an environment that inherits all the globals
local env = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, k) return _G[k]
setfenv(definition, env)(...)
return env
-- the beloved curry operator (for one fixed arg)
function curry(f, a) return function(...) return f(a, ...) end end
function object(definition) return curry(makeObject, definition) end
You can also put it all in one function, but it still ends up taking 7
function object(def)
return function(...)
local env = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, k) return
_G[k] end})
setfenv(def, env)(...)
return env
Is this old? Is this new? Has this been done before? I love this and I
think I'll be using it to death. :)