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2011/11/10 Kevin T. Ryan <>
Most of the tutorials I've come across only cover the basics and I don't feel like they go into too much detail of what represents "good practices" vs "bad" ...

Thanks in advance, ktr

(sorry for my horrible english)

When trying to create the makefile to a project I was working on, as an inspiration, I used the makefile of the Lua source (specially the "linux" target part).

I don't know if they really did this, but my "feeling" was that they created an skeleton makefile with "initial configurations" and, each time they change something, they run "gcc" using the "-MM" options and put the output after the "#DO NOT DELETE" line on the makefile (that gcc option will return an implicit rule with all the dependencies of a .c file). I though this would be a nice practice since this way I don't have to keep track of each dependency by hand, and to test if it would work properly, I've used this in a personal project. I like the result, but I'm not any expert in makefiles, so, maybe there are other ways one can do this that are better than what I've done.

Also, I know that this is the way Eclipse work with its auto-generated makefiles (although in a slightly modified way). The problem was that the way Eclipse work wouldn't work with "nvcc" (witch was the compiler I was trying to use in my personal project).

(hope I have contributed v_v)

John Gamboa