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On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 12:21 AM, Rob Kendrick <> wrote:

>> But it requires pkg-config and perl?
> Just pkg-config, and in many cases it can do without, depending only on
> it for automatic detection of where libraries are installed (there are
> some common search paths in there, too, if all else fails.)

Please do not depend on pkg-config for building lua. newer versions of
pkg-config requires glib to build (which again requires pkg-config so
you need first build a boot strap version of glib to build pkg-config
in short: its a mess to bootstrap new systems)

In fact, i think a pkg-config implementation in lua would make much
more sense than the current glib apprach - lua is lots smaller, more
than fast enough and is (still) does not require bootstrapping
techniques to get started.

That said, please do ship a lua.pc pkg-config file instead of pushing
that over to the packagers so this can be consistent over the *nixes.

Natanael Copa