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> Is this the usual way to get changes eventually into the lua sources?

Many thanks for the suggestions, but given that you asked: no :)

The main issue in getting changes into the Lua sources is to convince
us that the changes are worthwhile.  Usually we are not interested in
complete patches. We never apply patches: coding is easy, we can do
that. So, a brief description of the changes should be enough on the
"how" side.  What we are interested are the reasons for the patch, the
"why" side of the story.

As an example:

> LUAI_FUNC and LUAI_DATA/LUAI_DDEC are declared for proper export
> with _delcspec(dllexport)
> under _MSC_VER just like already done for LUA_API and LUALIB_API.  I
> needed this for luac.exe.

Are you really exporting all static functions in Lua? What is the exact
problem with luac that prompted that change?

-- Roberto