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On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:05 AM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> It was thus said that the Great Peter Pimley once stated:
>> Could you repeatedly call option 2 (up to newline) but with a timeout
>> of zero?  It'll return the partial result, which you can buffer up
>> until you get the actual end-of-line.
>  Yes, but performance will drop like a whale that suddenly finds itself
> popped into existence at 30,000 feet (or a bowl of petunias, take your
> pick) with a large amount traffic.

not if you only read when you already know there's data to read.

>  -spc (Used systems where code was written like that---it wasn't fun)

Copas and Xavante are written like that --- some people think they're fun :-)
