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On Sat, Oct 01, 2011 at 08:43:02PM +0200, Stefan Reich wrote:
> Well... I would generally say that I am not totally happy with the way
> arrays and lists in Lua work. It's probably the only thing I would
> change right now if I was to change something in the language.
> I find the relation between nil and lists also confusing.
> I have to say: Arrays in Lua are indeed a little confusing.

Only while you still think in some other language.

Think of it this way: 

  1. Arrays and lists are not part of the language.
  2. Lua has only one data structuring mechanism: `table`.  
  3. A table is a map from "keys" to "values".  
  4. All Lua values except `nil` and `NaN` are keys.
  5. Any Lua value can be a "value".
  6. If you have not assigned a value to a key, the value `nil` is 
     associated with that key.
  7. Whether a particular nil is actually stored, is an implementation 
     detail that does not concern the user.
  8. The function `pairs` iterates over those (key,value) pairs for
     which the value is not nil, in some undefined order.
  9. Since the particular set of keys (1,2,3,...,n) occurs very often in
     applications, Lua offers extra support for those.
     - the length operator `#`
     - the function `ipairs` which iterates over the (key,value) pairs
       in the well-defined order 1,2,3,... 
     - the table library
     - the abbreviated table constructor with implicit keys
     It is convenient to call such tables "lists" or "arrays".
 10. Those functions do not actually fail on tables that are not lists,
     but their results are not as useful in those cases.
 10. A set of keys like (1,2,3,5,7,8) is not in any way special, although
     the abbreviated table constructor allows you to define such a set 
     with the aid of nil values.
 11. Whether a particular nil is actually stored, is an implementation 
     detail that does not concern the user.  (We've said this before,
     but it is worth repeating.) 
 12. Whether the implementation of a particular table takes advantage 
     of the fact that it is in fact a list, is a detail that does not 
     concern the user.