This might be a controversial statement, but I recently also reflected for me. Todays Javascript - Lua relationship reminds me a lot of the 1990ies C - Pascal relationship. The Pascal/Lua actually the more sane, the nicer looking, better developed language with faster parser, but restricted to a dedicated community. C/Javascript having the mass power and big industries behind it.
I miss Pascal too. My coding language up to 2000. Started C 1993.What I miss from Pascal, implementation wise - Turbo/Borland/Inprise is the Unit systems - binary compiled units that a compiler can load and get definitions automatically. No need for header files and such.
Also the "with" statement, somewhat the custom arrays range, and few other things.
But nowadays when I see Pascal code it seems to verbose to me (longer keywords, etc.) - but I often remind myself - code is there to be read much more times than written.