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On 30 August 2011 15:58, Robert Raschke <> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Robert Raschke <>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 3:22 PM, oliver <>
>> wrote:
>>>> Would it be correct to say, "all functions which take a stack index
>>>> require that it is inside the available stack space",
>>>> ...
>>>> or when stackspace equals X
>>>>    luaL_checkany(L,X+1) is undefined.
>>> BTW, is there a way of knowing "available stack space"? Alternately a
>>> "bool lua_isacceptable(L, index)" would be a nice function to have.
>>> Oliver
>> int lua_checkstack(lua_State *L, int extra);
> Actually, on reflection that's not exactly what you're asking for. But
> lua_gettop ( gets you
> the size of the stack. So these two give you what you need, or not?
> Robby

The only way that I know of to find the size of the stack space, is to
use the member of lua_State which is not part of the API.
