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- Subject: Re: How to clone a table in LJ2-friendly way?
- From: Alexander Gladysh <agladysh@...>
- Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 14:09:04 +0400
On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 13:56, Dimiter "malkia" Stanev <malkia@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is one more version, still not lj2 friendly, but for some reason very
> much lua friendly (no closure, using directly next iterator):
Now that's a bit crazy. Will have read the bytecode as soon as I'll have time.
> malkia ~/p/luamarca $ ./run_benchmark.sh bench/tclone.lua 100000
> Results:
> lua
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> name | rel | abs s / iter = us (1e-6 s) / iter
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> tclone6 | 1.0000 | 2.94 / 100000 = 29.400000 us
Five times faster? o_O
Did you try changing math.random() seed to see if it is dataset's fault?
> tclone5 | 4.9592 | 14.58 / 100000 = 145.800000 us
> tclone2 | 5.6190 | 16.52 / 100000 = 165.200000 us
> lua_nucleo | 5.8401 | 17.17 / 100000 = 171.700000 us
> luajit -O
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> name | rel | abs s / iter = us (1e-6 s) / iter
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> tclone6 | 1.0000 | 1.45 / 100000 = 14.500000 us
> tclone5 | 1.1103 | 1.61 / 100000 = 16.100000 us
> tclone2 | 1.3034 | 1.89 / 100000 = 18.900000 us
> lua_nucleo | 1.5241 | 2.21 / 100000 = 22.100000 us
> local tclone6
> do
> local function impl(t, visited, rtimes)
> if visited[t] then
> error("recursion detected")
> end
> if rtimes == 128 then
> rtimes = 1
> visited[t] = true
> end
> local r = {}
> local k, v = next(t)
> while k do
This should be: "while k ~= nil do" and may be the reason for the speedup.