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On 13/08/2011 15.36, Lars Doelle wrote:

-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [ToData.lua]
-- Copyright (c) 2011 Lars Dölle<>
-- ------------------------------------------------------


Please, avoid posting copyrighted material, even if the copyright is yours. It is very bad netiquette.

I don't like having in my mail archive copyrighted material with unknown license which I haven't asked for.

Since you are new to the list I assume it was a mistake, but remember that snippets posted to the list are assumed to be public domain.

If you want to post copyrighted material, put it in some website and post only a link, *with a warning*, so that people may choose whether or not to see the code.

BTW, it is "Lua", not "LUA" (it is not an acronym, but the Portuguese word for "Moon").

-- Lorenzo