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Hi all,

I'm stuck with this problem. Maybe someone can shed some light here.

I have a C function 'myFunction' that in turn invokes any Lua function
'y'. I want my 'myFunction' to return the same results as 'y'.

Since I don't know how many return values 'y' is returning I'm using
LUA_MULTRET in lua_pcall, like so:

int myFunction(lua_State *L)
  int result;
  /* Prepare call to 'y' */
  /* Call 'y' */
  result = lua_pcall(L, 1, LUA_MULTRET ,0);

Now I can check for any errors, and I invoke "lua_error" if an error happens...

  if (result != 0) {

Otherwise I wish to return the same number of results as 'y', but, how
do I know how many return values lua_pcall is returning?

  } else {
    return ??? /* What do I return here? */

Thanks in advance,