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> I'm making available a C++ lib to facilitate embedding Lua in a C++ app.

This is yet another binding of C++ to Lua... The list in [1] in
already quite long. Because that one seemed to be a "one-way binding",
I have added it in the section "Calling Lua from C/C++".

I cannot criticize, because two of the one-way bindings
(LuaGenericCall [2] and LuaClassBasedCall [3]) are from myself. Since,
it is quite surprising that nearly every developer has a different
opinion about "what is handy" when it comes to connect Lua and C code.

>From my experience, when you need to use Lua from C++ without exposing
C function in Lua (one-way), it should be enough to be able to
evaluate arbitrary Lua expressions, passing around arguments and
return values. This is the only thing my libraries [2][3] can do. The
newer C++ version [3], consisting in a single header file, seemed to
me particularly easy to use. Am I missing something with such a simple
interface ?
