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On 22/07/2011 19.11, Steve Litt wrote:

If I understand the situation correctly, Lua has exactly two types for
complex data:

1) Tables
2) Metatables

All other complex data is built from those two and doesn't exist in
the language.

Nope. The only "structured" data type are tables. Metatables are not another type. Metatables are plain Lua tables. They are attached to other types in order to modify the behaviour of some operations on those types.

Every table can have its own metatable (which, as I said, is a plain table itself). Example:

meta = {} -- plain table
t = {}
-- the following sets the table "meta" as the metatable for table "t"
setmetatable( t, meta )

The previous example is fairly silly, because an empty metatable doesn't do much.

A more interesting case is this:

meta = {}
meta.__call = function( self, ... )
 -- the first arg (self) gets the
 -- table which was "called" (see below)
 print( ... )
t = {}
setmetatable( t, meta )

In this case the metatable has a so-called metamethod "__call" which renders the table on which the metatable is attached "callable". When "called" the table t dispatches its arguments to the metamethod "__call", so that the call:

t( "hello", "there", 3.14 )

is equivalent to the call:

meta.__call( t, "hello", "there", 3.14 )

and thus prints:

hello	there	3.14

Adding appropriate metamethods to "meta" above you can customize many other aspects of the behaviour of "t", but "meta" remains still a plain table.

Note: only tables and userdata can have individual metatables, all other types have a single metatable per type (not per-object). Anyway, to set a metatable for types other than tables, you must use debug.setmetatable or resort to C API.



-- Lorenzo