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On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
> Good software is written in the brain, the editor is only needed to
> finally type in the bright ideas.  Only bad programmers need backspace
> and cursor keys.

A lovely vision (it's like the old saying 'strong typing is for
programmers with weak memories')

But most mortals don't think in code, and in fact mostly don't think
in clear prose either. The most polished writing successfully hides
the pain of its creation.  In both the case of programming and writing
the task is to take the non-linear, hyperlinked jumble of ideas and
make a coherent narrative out of them.

Lua flows naturally, is flexible and fits easily in the head. Plus, it
has a nice community which isn't too critical and obsessed with the
One True Way, which seems to be a semi-religious disease mostly
affecting large statically-typed languages.

steve d.