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Benjamin Segovia wrote:
> As executing the code on the HW is somehow difficult, I am starting to
> write a translater ASM->LuaJIT which turns the assembly into a lua
> string directly executed by the Luajit VM.
> To handle all branch instructions, I'll put each basic block into a
> function and use tail call recusion to simulate goto.


> does tail call recursion abort traces?

No, that works just fine. The -jv output of the current git HEAD
also tells you what kind of control-flow construct it's compiling:

  local f1, f2
  function f1(n) if n <= 0 then return 0 else return f2(n-1) end end
  function f2(n) return f1(n) end

$ luajit -jv test.lua
[TRACE   1 test.lua:2 tail-recursion]
