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2011/7/4 Xavier Wang <>:
> hi Mike,
> I just changed my script to generate bytecode using string.dump. and I
> found a incompatible with Lua's string.dump.
> In Lua, the string.dump accept two argument: one is a function used to
> dump and another is the name of generated chunk. this name is used in
> debug information (such as assert(false, ...), and error()), but In
> LuaJIT, the second parameter become a strip flags that indicated to
> strip the debug information of chunk or not.
> So, it means I can not given a chunk name using string.dump! If I give
> a whatever second parameter, the debug information are all cleared
> (that is, I can't get the e.g. line number with assert fault), but If
> I don't give a second parameter, the whole code string become the name
> of chunk -- that increase the size of generated byte code heavily and
> makes no scenes at all!.
> Maybe allow string.dump have three argument is better, one is
> function, the second is the name of chunk, and the third is the strip
> flags.
> Thank you.

Sorry for my confusion :(

the chunkname is the argument of loadstring, but string.dump !!!

forgot this thread and forgive me T-T