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Am 01.07.2011 04:43, schrieb Tom N Harris:
"#define char int" but that would be cheating. Or not? I see a few "sizeof(char)" in the Lua source. But it does assume that "char" has not been redefined in other places. It does test against UCHAR_MAX but with the assumption that it is less than 1000. (Only three decimal digits or two hexadecimal.)
/Please/ dont. Then you'll end, where perl is: reading an 1MB file into a string consumes 4MB of memory :-/ . One of the mayor reasons, I've switched to Lua. I'm quite happy with Lua the way it is. A small utf8 module and you can do what you like to. Lua's "one char is one byte and Lua doesnt care, if it's ascii or utf8 or utf16be or utf16le in the bytes" is exactly what I want. In perl with every release you have to struggle again, how to get unicode data to be handled.