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On Tuesday 31, Joerg Walter wrote:
> This touches my question regarding table identifiers.
> As I understand it these pointers identify especially tables uniquely.
> So when I have
> g =
> {
>   y = 1,
>   z = 2
> }
> a =
> {
>   b =
>   {
>     w = 200,
>     x = 300,
>     ref = g
>   },
>   v = 100
> }
> I get different pointers for a,b and g. The pointer for ref would hopefully
> yield the pointer for g?

Yes, the table instance stored at "a.b.ref" is the same as that stored at "g".

-- changes to one reference
g.zz = 42
-- are seen from the other reference:
assert(a.b.ref.zz == 42)

Robert G. Jakabosky