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I made a tool which kind of mixes the functionality of tree and grep
together. You can check it out at:

The idea is to (somehow) use this inside vim to mimic the command-T
key of textmate users. I still need to find out how to write such vim

Anyway, the subject of this email makes reference to:

That's a shell script that sets up the environment to call the utility loader.

I'm just requiring the users to checkout, cd to the repo and run
"make". After that the bash script should work no matter where do you
call it from, but I'm wondering if there are any better distribution
guidelines for setups like this? (small lua script plus a C

I'm thinking of writing a luarock but I think that would be harder for
users to manage: installing luarocks is non trivial, albeit not really
that difficult.
-------------------------------------------------------------- - Software Developer