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On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Petite Abeille
<> wrote:
> On May 12, 2011, at 8:40 PM, Romulo wrote:
>>>> I think writing a web application templates in the way outlined in
>>>> that example could be a viable option. What do you think?
>>> Well, I personally think it's a baroque waste of time :))
>> From my experience, this approach is bad. Your designers won't like
>> it, your co-workers won't like it. Eventually you won't like it
>> either. It is easier to just inject Lua into a html file than to write
>> everything with Lua.
> Totally agree. While the DSL part of the exercise is somewhat interesting, the practicality of the result is dubious at best.
> I personally tend to use simple variable substitutions.
> E.g. the following page:
> Is defined as:
> And rendered by:

yeah using keys like "_if" for logic does not look very good to me. I
would look better if you user helpers for logic:

instead of:

  _if = 'user.logged_in', 'Welcome!',
  _if = 'not user.logged_in', 'Please login'

you could even return other templates in such helpers:

local t = require("tags")

local loggedinpartial = t.a { href="/blah", "Login" }
local notloggedinpartial = t.em { "Welcome!" }

funcion logblock()
  t.div { user.logged_in && loggedinpartial or notloggedinpartial }

return t.html {

you get the idea, you get a kind of logic less template that way.

-------------------------------------------------------------- - Software Developer
