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Well I think these limitations are okay, if they help luajit.

In what real cases one would be using so much constants?

On 5/6/2011 9:14 AM, Michael Rose wrote:
-- File: test_limited_constants.lua
-- This example demonstrates, that 'luajit' at the moment
-- has limited capabilities to read larger data files in
-- LUA format.
-- Creating the test file:
-- >  lua[jit] test_limited_constants.lua
-- Creates the file 'limited_constants.lua', which is a
-- trivial data file for an 'xy' table. Just as an example.
-- If somone wants to use LUA as a DSL substitute, such
-- kind of usage seems in principal very useful, even when
-- the data is intermixed with large parts of string data or
-- numerical data. Imagine data from measurement systems
-- for example. Now the tests:
-- >  lua5.1.4 limited_constants.lua  (n = 270000)
-- ] lua: constant table overflow
-- >  luajit2.0.0-beta6 limited_constants.lua (n = 70000)
-- ] luajit: limited_constants.lua:70006: function at line 1 has more than 65536 constants
-- >  lua5.2.0-alpha limited_constants.lua (n = 10000000) limited_constants.lua
-- ] 9999995    9999996
-- ] 9999996    9999997
-- ] 9999997    9999998
-- ] 9999998    9999999
-- ] 9999999    10000000
-- ] 10000000    10000001
-- OK!!! (Not testet for higher n).
-- The reason is given by the fact, that lua5.1.4 has an upper constraint for indices
-- into constant tables from compiled functions of 2^18-1=262143 (6 bits opcode, 8 bits
-- A-register and 18 bits for index in BC-register). lua5.2.0-alpha has introduced an
-- extra opcode which is used at places where indices into the constant table of compiled
-- functions are too high to fit. This gives room for indices up to
-- 2^26-1=67108863 (6 bits opcode, 26 bits for large index).
-- Though 'luajit' has max hashtable and array sizes of at least 2^26, all opcodes
-- for accesses to the constant table of functions are limited to 16 bit values
-- for register D in the bytecodes.

n = 10000000
f ="limited_constants.lua","w")
f:write("function f()\n")
f:write("tt = {\n")
for k=1,n do
   f:write(" {x=",k,",y=",k+1,"},\n")
f:write("return tt\nend\n")
f:write("tt = f()\n")
f:write("for k=",n-5,",",n," do print(tt[k].x,tt[k].y) end\n")

-- Kind regards,
--   Michael
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