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Gabi wrote:
> I would like to experiment with Lua's
> DynASM (as a fast general purpose JIT engine)
> I couldn't find any docs or references to help me with it. Does anybody even
> use it (outside of LuaJIT of course) ?

There's some general overview at:

But the LuaJIT sources are in fact the best way to learn about it.
I suggest to read the *.dasc and *.dash files in the LuaJIT 1.1.6
sources, since it's much easier to understand. For a new project
you should use the more recent DynASM from the LuaJIT 2.x sources.

Here's a simple test-driver to get you started. It just pipes
the machine code output to a disassembler (objdump):

More DynASM usage examples:

There are many more people who've mailed me privately about it.
Not sure which of these projects are open source, though.
