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> Q4) I found a reference from one of the Lua authours mentioning he had thought about making cross compilation a Luac feature. This would be a useful feature for me personally, is this a likely addition for Lua V5.2 or even V5.3 ?

No, it's unlikely to be added to mainstream Lua. Crosscompiling Lua bytecode
is a lot of work to do it correctly for all platforms. Moreover, it
would place a burden on bytecode loading, whose main goal is speed. It's
usually light work to do crosscompiling for a fixed pair of source-target
platforms. You just need to change some details in ldump.c or lundump.c
(probably the former, to allow full speed loading). If you need help with
this, please ask. See these threads:
> Q5) If there are no other options, I guess I could look at making my own cross compiling version, but at the moment I have no understanding of the bytecode file format. Any links please that I can read up on how this all works ?

See #5 in