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Sean Conner <sean <at>> writes:
> It was thus said that the Great Josh Haberman once stated:
> > I ultimately want to avoid having to do a per-entry allocation.
> > malloc() is *expensive* when performed this often.
>   In other words, don't worry about calling malloc() unless you have proof
> it's a performance issue.

If I had a nickel for every time someone to convince me that my
performance concerns are invalid...

(I've had this argument before about C++ virtual functions [0] and
about sub-optimal compiler-generated code [1].  In both cases
benchmarks and/or profiles showed that yes, these things can make
a significant difference).

I'll see your profile and raise you a benchmark.  Here are numbers for
my protobuf parser parsing into a data structure.  I have optimizations
that avoid malloc()/free() and memcpy() for the strings contained in the
protobuf, but I can tweak my code a little bit to turn these optimizations
off and benchmark the results:

  malloc/free   memcpy    MB/s
  -----------   ------    ----
                  X        643
       X                   465
       X          X        436

As you can see, avoiding the malloc/free and memcpy sped up my
benchmark by >60%.  You might expect then that malloc/free/memcpy
would show up as 60% of the profile in the slowest case, but this is
actually not the case -- they show up as more like 20%.  I'm guessing
that this is due to reduced locality: reallocating the strings every time
means they jump around in memory and can't stay in caches as easily.

In other words: yes malloc()/free() can be expensive if you're doing it
enough and the rest of your code is fast enough.  Also a profile can't
always capture the effects of the memory hierarchy.

