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Anthony Howe <> wrote:
> Now since hook.request has had its environment forced to be the same as
> the thread's environment by the C layer, the hook.request function can
> access the client table in the thread space without issue. BUT function
> calls from within hook.request to supporting application functions will
> throw an error when they try to access client table, because the
> function call chain does not inherit that of the caller or thread space
> in which it executes. This is the essence of my problem.

Why not just pass the client info table to the hook as an argument?

Just have a state object (i.e. table) per connection. No need to create a
coroutine thread per connection unless you want a persistent thread of
control. Your talk about hooks and callbacks suggests to me that you do
not have a per-connection thread of control in your client code.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Trafalgar: Easterly or northeasterly 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later in southeast
Trafalgar. Moderate or rough. Mainly fair. Good.