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On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 11:31, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
>> it reports the error as being caused by the call to assert() itself,
>> when the actual problem is at the point loadFile() was called with an
>> invalid path.
> I don't see this as a problem. Having the traceback show assert is
> a good thing in this case because it shows that an assertion failed.

True, but it can also give the impression that the problem is a bug in
your module. Especially if that module contains several internal
functions, calling eachother in various ways, it may be a few calls
deep that you finally need to check some argument (which may have come
from a table, callback, vararg etc so checking it at the very
beginning wouldn't be feasible) and find it's invalid. So your stack
trace shows several of the internal functions of your module, making
it not immediately obvious that the actual error is outside it.

Anyway my main reasoning here is just "if error() has this, why
doesn't assert()?" since assert() is essentially little more than a
shortcut for "if not ... then error(...) end".

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