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>  LexHtmlToXml
>  lex_html_to_xml

However, this example is quite out of context, in that it only shows
the name without the the whole "sentence". The function call should be
one "word" in a complexer statement, and not read as a whole sentence
in itself. Thats the big disadvantage of underscores and the advantage
of camelcase. Non-underscored phrases allow to concentrate on the
grammar of the statement instead of the inner grammar of the function

Otherwise if you make a tight binded library. Go with the syntax of
the library. A negative example is javascript/css. The constant
convertions between hypen-seperated-syntax and camelCase are not only
CPU-expensive but also inconsistent. However, in my opinion, too many
"bindings" libraries are just that, one to one relationship. Instead
of providing a more Luaish interface. In that case the Luaish
interface can have different style. Positive example: LuaSocket.