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Hi all,

I get this question from this chinese blog
The author want to use closure in c language, and he found GCC has the ability of nested function (and closure).
For example:
typedef int (*func_t)(int arg);

int foo(int a) {
    return a + 1;

func_t create_wrap_function(func_t f) {
    int wrapped(int arg) {
        // call original function
        int val = f(arg);
        fprintf(log_func_call, "arg: %d ret: %d", arg, val);
        return val;
    return wrapped;

But it is not common solution. create_wrap_function has fixed function format, because the func_t limits the format.

As we know, Lua has closure, and could call C function too.
What I want to implement like:
The functions we want to call is foo1 and foo2, they has different types of args and return value.
int foo1(int a) {
return intValue;

double foo2(char* str, double a) {
return dblValue;

In C client, call the function like:
    lua_returnValue returnValue1 = Do_Lua_Wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__, foo1, 1);
    lua_returnValue returnValue2 = Do_Lua_Wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__, foo2, "string data", 1.2345);

In the Do_Lua_Wrap, it will pass the foo1 and 1 to the Lua function, then call foo1 function like normal process.
Then pass the foo2 and one char* and one double value to the Lua function, then call foo2 function like normal process.
In the Lua function, it could log the information about __FILE__ and __LINE__ 
and write some extra log about function arguments.

But I don't have idea about how to write the function Do_Lua_Wrap in C and Lua, 
Is it possible? 
If possible, could you give me some advices?

Many thanks,


C++, Lua, living in Dalian