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Hi all, I have some new very interesting results. I've implemented a pure Lua adaptive integration routine for numerical integration, the QAG routine. I've made an adaptation of the same routine implemented in the GSL library which is based itself of the quadpack implementation. The translation in Lua was quite straightforward. I've used also the template engine but in this case it was not really essential. For information, I've made also an adaptation of the non-adaptive Gauss-Kronrod integration routine but for this latter I don't have any benchmark. Here the result of the benchmark for the QAG adaptive routine: C code / GSL (-O2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native) : 0m0.891s LuaJIT2 (git HEAD): 0m0.438 The results obtained with LuaJIT2 are also completely accurate. So, once again LuaJIT2 confirms à factor 2x or even slightly more over a conventional optimised C implementation. For the other side on my Linux box the results are a little bit different (same benchmark as before but with 8 times more points): C code / GSL (-O2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native) : 0m1.281s LuaJIT2 (git HEAD): 0m1.310 So on Linux the C optimized code is performing slightly better. May be it is because the gsl library have better optimization or may be because the GCC with ubuntu is better ? In any case I consider the results completely satisfying because in the worst case LuaJIT2 is performing almost at well as C optimized code. It is also true that for the QAG algorithm I was not able to do any significant optimization over the C implementations like I've done with the ODE RKF45 algorithm. Note also that in this case the routine was performing well since the beginning. This is probably because the routine is simpler then the ODE one in array form. I've also respected Mike's guidelines to help the JIT compiler to produce optimal code. I'm very happy of this result as this confirm yet again that LuaJIT2 is a viable and performant alternative for numerical computations. I include the files in attachement for the curious, they work with a plain LuaJIT2. The implementation files for the QAG algorithm are qag.lua.in, err.lua.in and gauss-kronrod-x-wgs.lua.in . Then I include also an updated version of the template module and the benchmark I've used in Lua and C. I will take this opportunity to talk a little bit about GSL shell, if someone is interested. The latest fixes of LuaJIT2 are already included in GSL shell. With GSL Shell you have also the realine support plus some other goodies like a graphical systems, for example ;) There is also another major improvements in GSL Shell because now it is 100% compatible with Lua 5.1. I've managed to get rid of the LNUM patch so now it can works both with standard Lua or with LuaJIT2. I don't rely anymore in the axact behaviour of the GC for the weak tables so I don't need any special patch or workaround. I've also enabled a more clean modular architecture, now you can choose LUA_BUILD in the makeconfig file and every functions will go in a specific namespace without polluting the global namespace. I have a namespace for GSL function, one for complex number and another one for graphical functions. If you choose the LUA_BUILD option the 'short function syntax' is not enabled so that Lua purists are happy :-) For the complex number I've a userdata implementation based on LHF's implementation (heavily modified). Complex number specific function goes is a specific namespace to not pollute the global namespace. In addition I've made some important improvements is the arithmetic of matrix and complex numbers. Now the '*' operator perform the matrix multiplication, instead of the elemet-wise multiplication. I think that this latter behaviour is much more useful. The matrices are now automatically promoted to complex when needed and the matrix functions handle transparently both real and complex matrix. So now you can also mix freely real and complex numbers with real and complex matrix and GSL shell will do 'the right thing (R)' for you :-) I will not probably release a new version of GSL Shell very soon because there is a lot of work in progress with LuaJIT2 but if you checkout the 'luajit2' branch it is already there and fully functional. In the 'rk4' branch I have also all the numerical algorithm I'm implementing right now. Francesco
-- -- A Lua preprocessor for template code specialization. -- Adapted by Steve Donovan, based on original code of Rici Lake. -- local M = {} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function preprocess(chunk, name, defs) local function parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk, s, e) local append, format = table.insert, string.format local s = 1 for term, executed, e in chunk:gmatch("()$(%b())()") do append(pieces, format("%q..(%s or '')..", chunk:sub(s, term - 1), executed)) s = e end append(pieces, format("%q", chunk:sub(s))) end local function parseHashLines(chunk) local append = table.insert local pieces, s, args = chunk:find("^\n*#ARGS%s*(%b())[ \t]*\n") if not args or find(args, "^%(%s*%)$") then pieces, s = {"return function(_put) ", n = 1}, s or 1 else pieces = {"return function(_put, ", args:sub(2), n = 2} end while true do local ss, e, lua = chunk:find("^#+([^\n]*\n?)", s) if not e then ss, e, lua = chunk:find("\n#+([^\n]*\n?)", s) append(pieces, "_put(") parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk:sub(s, ss)) append(pieces, ")") if not e then break end end append(pieces, lua) s = e + 1 end append(pieces, " end") return table.concat(pieces) end local ppenv if defs._self then ppenv = defs._self else ppenv = {string= string, table= table, template= M} for k, v in pairs(defs) do ppenv[k] = v end ppenv._self = ppenv local include = function(filename) return M.process(filename, ppenv) end setfenv(include, ppenv) ppenv.include = include end local code = parseHashLines(chunk) local fcode = loadstring(code, name) if fcode then setfenv(fcode, ppenv) return fcode() end end local function read_file(filename) local f = io.open(filename) if not f then error(string.format('error opening template file %s', filename)) end local content = f:read('*a') f:close() return content end local function process(filename, defs) local template = read_file(filename) local codegen = preprocess(template, 'template_gen', defs) local code = {} local add = function(s) code[#code+1] = s end codegen(add) return table.concat(code) end local function require(filename) local f = loadstring(process(filename .. '.lua.in', {}), filename) if not f then error(string.format('error loading module %s', filename)) end return f() end local function load(filename, defs) local f = loadstring(process(filename, defs), filename) if not f then error(string.format('error loading module %s', filename)) end return f() end M.process = process M.require = require M.load = load return M
local template = require 'template' local q = template.load('num/qag.lua.in', {limit=1000, order=21}) local sin, cos, pi = math.sin, math.cos, math.pi local epsabs, epsrel = 1e-6, 0.01 function bessel_gen(n) local xs local fint = function(t) return cos(n*t - xs*sin(t)) end return function(x) xs = x return q(fint, 0, pi, epsabs, epsrel) end end local J12 = bessel_gen(12) -- p = graph.fxplot(J12, 0, 30*pi) local xold, xsmp = -100, 10 for k = 1, 4096*8 do local x = (k-1) * 30 * math.pi / (4096*8) local y = J12(x); if x - xold > xsmp then print(x, y) xold = x end end
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <gsl/gsl_integration.h> struct bessel_param { double x; int n; }; double f (double t, void * params) { struct bessel_param *p = (struct bessel_param *) params; double x = p->x; int n = p->n; return cos(n * t - x * sin(t)); } int main (void) { gsl_integration_workspace * ws = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000); struct bessel_param param = {0.0, 12}; double result, error; double xold = -100, xsmp = 10; int k; gsl_function F; F.function = &f; F.params = ¶m; for (k = 0; k < 4096 * 8; k++) { param.x = (k * 30 * M_PI) / (4096 * 8); gsl_integration_qag (&F, 0, M_PI, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1000, GSL_INTEG_GAUSS21, ws, &result, &error); if (param.x - xold > xsmp) { xold = param.x; printf ("%.18f %.18f\n", param.x, result); } } gsl_integration_workspace_free (ws); return 0; }
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data