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On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 11:04 AM, steve donovan
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:00 PM, steve donovan
> <> wrote:
>> Even strong typed languages know the wisdom of automatic coercion to
>> string when the context demands it (e.g. string + in Java)
> I meant _statically-typed_ of course, just in case anybody is worried
> about misinformation here; Lua is strong typed, just doesn't have many
> types ;)

I was. Lua is not strong typed tough. Exactly due to this implicit
string<->number idea.

Another opinion to add. String to number conversations are expensive,
so if you clutter your code with it, i dont see why this should be
implicit. In case of language history, its likely a "write-off" on
Lua, don't suppose they could change it anyway without tons of people
complaining to have broken their code. And yet it isnt enough to
legitamate a dialect.