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On Jan 25, 2011, at 2:47 AM, Ryota Hirose wrote:
2011/1/25 Ryota Hirose <>
I got a shorter patch, for 5.1.4, but I don't have confidence
that this is correct for other cases.

I'm sorry, it's a reversed patch. I attached correct patch in this mail. And I tested 'constructs.lua' in Lua 5.1 test suite. This patch worked fine.

Ryota Hirose


Hmm, we're not there yet.  Your patch 5.1.4 yields the correct results
for these two cases:

assert((((1 or false) and true) or false) == true)
assert((((1 or 2) and true) or false) == true)

but it doesn't fix these cases:

assert(((nil and true) or false and true) == false)
assert((((nil and true) or false) and true) == false)

Note that the Lua 5.1 test suite has no specific checks for these
expressions, and the Lua 5.2.0-alpha test suite only checks for the
first and fourth ones (and Lua 5.2.0-alpha still fails on the second
and third.)

