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> 1) Is LuaSQL the best way to interface between Lua and Postgres?

I've had a libpq binding for some time, but haven't released it yet since I've
had no time to put together some decent documentation. Given the recent need
and demand, I just decided to finally publish it (MIT license) by adding some
minor documentation.

So, I'm glad to announce the availability of LuaPSQL:

Please check attached README file from the package.

> 2) Is it necessary to go through LuaRocks? Is there a better way?

LuaRocks is the standard way, but the package contains a Makefile.

> 3) What is the procedure to install the Lua/Postgres interface?

The usual 'luarocks make' or 'luarocks install' when the rockspec hits the


Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
                -- Pablo Picasso

Luis Carvalho (Kozure)
lua -e 'print(((""):gsub("(%u+%.)","")))'

This is LuaPSQL, a binding of PostgreSQL's client library, libpq, for Lua.
This module is specific to PostgreSQL and offers more functionality when
compared to the generic LuaSQL bindings:

  * Binary types as equivalent as possible to Lua types (moreover, check
    "registered types" below)
  * Asynchronous connections and query executions
  * Parametrizable statements
  * Prepared statements

The routines are, however, *low*-level methods, most of them simply wrapping
their C counterparts. For this reason, a more detailed documentation is not
included and the user can refer to PostgreSQL's documentation on libpq for
details -- check the chapter entitled "libpq - C library". This binding is
fairly complete, with the sole exception of function associated with the COPY

Here's a simple example:

    local psql = require "psql"

    -- check result set
    local function checkset (conn, rset)
      local status = rset:status()
      assert(status == "PGRES_COMMAND_OK" or status == "PGRES_TUPLES_OK",
      return rset

    -- connect
    local conn = psql.connect "dbname=test"
    assert(conn:status(), conn:error())

    -- create and populate table
    checkset(conn, conn:exec"CREATE TABLE x (i int, f double precision)")
    local plan = assert(conn:prepare("INSERT INTO x VALUES ($1, $2)"))
    for i = 1, 10 do
      checkset(conn, plan:exec(i, math.sin(math.pi / i)))

    -- list table
    local rset = checkset(conn, conn:exec"SELECT * FROM x")
    local f = rset:fields()
    for i, t in rset:rows() do
      for k in pairs(f) do
        print(i, k, t[k])

    -- wrap up
    checkset(conn, conn:exec"DROP TABLE x")

More usage examples can be found in the "test" and "etc" folders.

Registered types

It is possible to register specific types in LuaPSQL using:

    metatable = psql.register(oid [, metatable])

If `metatable` is not provided a new table will be created. psql.register sets
field `__oid` to the provided `oid` parameter (to get the oid of a certain
type, issue "select 'typename'::regtype::oid" in psql.)

The metatable for your registered type should contain two fields, `__send` and
`__recv` that specify how values are translated from Lua to PostgreSQL and
vice-versa, respectively:

    bytea_str = objmt.__send(obj)
    obj = objmt.__recv(bytea_str, fmod)

For examples, check `pqtype.c`.


The installation should be straightforward as LuaPSQL uses Luarocks. However,
if you want to run the tests in the `test` folder you will also need
``; to compile it, modify the rockspec file according to the comments
in it.