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12/01/2011 13:02, beo wulf wrote:
Does LuaCairo provide bindings for most functions? I looked into it
once, but it appeared incomplete. (Admittedtely, it was only a cursory
look, and perhaps I didn't propperly build the module).

- There are ~440 functions in Cairo, among ~150 of them implemented as to give "not implemented!" error in LuaCairo :)

- They are left at that state because:
  - I don't know how to implement
  - Nobody required
  - Recently added to Cairo
  - Does not sound good for Lua

- If you(not you personally) encounter "not implemented!" error and know how to implement related function, please contribute


2011/1/11 Hakki Dogusan<>:

- Adapted to Cairo-1.10.2
Note: No change in binding, only recompilation done

Hakki Dogusan