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On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 15:56 +0100, Gaspard Bucher wrote:
> As I said, this is a "raw" binding without any helpers to access raw
> matrix data and such. If anyone wants to enable pixel access with: 
> m = cv.Mat(300, 300, cv.CV_8UC1)
> for i=1,300 do
>   for j=1,300 do
>     -- set
>     m[i][j] = i * j * 255 / 90000
>     -- get
>     print(m[i][j])
>   end
> end 
> I'd be *very* glad to include such helpers... (m[i] could return
> m->row() if rows > 1 or the pixel value if rows == 1). 

That is what I was planning to do after I got the basic thing to
compile, however the OpenCV headers are bit of a mess (some classes in a
namespace, some outside, lots of undocumented helper functions in header
files). That's why I think that generating bindings from documentation
is the way to go.

I will look at your binding and see if I can help...