Hi all,
I was trying to create a graphical interface using IUP with object
oriented programming. Something wrong occurs. I prefer to simplify the
example to ilustrate what is happining.
In the original code, the class "parent" defines the window general
behavior and the child class is a form inheriting methods and
attributes. I prefer to simplify because the quantity of code.
But the problem is the same: how to access in child class an attribute
created in the parent?
the result of 14th line is "nil", whereas I expected 15 as the answer. I
tried self.a in the place of parent.a, but the result is still "nil". I
tried to declare in the 5th line "parent.a", but the result is the same.
01 require('classlib')
03 class.parent()
04 function parent:__init()
05 self.a = 15
06 end
08 class.child()
09 function child:__init()
10 self.b = 22
11 end
13 function child:display()
14 print(parent.a)
15 print(self.b)
16 end
18 x = child()
19 x:display()